Caio Boys !
My name is Sasha .
I am a 27 year old Denver escort straight from Ukraine  .
Becoming an escort in Denver has just opened up a new chapter in my life . After moving half way across the globe to become an escort ,  I now understand what Fun and Pleasure really mean .

If you’re up for a sexy  goddess who is willing to bend over backwards for you, literally, then Sasha is your woman.

At 27 years old, this Ukrainian beauty has it all: a sexy accent, lusciously large breasts, cute firm butt and the eagerness to make sure that your time with her is always above and beyond your expectations. Though Sasha moved halfway around the world in order to pursue her dream, she has not been homesick for her country. She has been having too much fun getting to know the United States and her people.
Sasha is still getting to know Denver so she is the perfect companion to explore the city’s many fun venues. Whether you love museums, biking or hiking, Sasha is the perfect companion that is always up for a new experience. Her unique perspective on everything that is American is both endearing and refreshing. Did we mention that she is a bit on the wild side ?
Call us today . Let us check Sasha’s schedule and see what we can do about making this Ukrainian Vixen your very own Partime Girlfriend . 



Age 27
Height 5’9″
Hair Brunette
Ethnicity Caucasian
Orientation Straight

Book Now!


(303) 623-6969


“Biking is something to me that is the perfect combination of entertainment and fitness,” Sasha explains. “I know that runners talk about the ‘runners high’ they get when they’ve been running a long time. I’ve never felt that way on a bike, probably because if you get too tired you can coast along and kind of let the bike do some of the work, as long as you’re not on a hill. But I do feel a kind of meditative state when I’m on a bicycle. I think biking is a great way not only to stay fit and active, and to tone your behind and other parts of your body, but also it’s a great way to stay connected to the world around you. Biking isn’t as intimate as walking, and I think that’s good. There are times when I just want to glide along. I don’t want to have to examine everything. I want some contact with the outside world, but enough speed that I don’t get bogged down, you know? And when you’re biking, it’s this great balance. You can slow down if you want to check something out. You can speed up if you would rather not deal with something. You can go fast enough that nobody bothers you, or you can slow down and get friendly. I think biking is the perfect exercise, and I always look forward to the opportunity. I think even if I were going to go somewhere that required traveling long distances, I would prefer to do it on a motorcycle instead of a car. I want the wind in my hair. I want that connection to the world. I don’t want to feel cut off or isolated the way you do when you’ve got this metal cage around you. I think that’s really at the heart of what each of us wants from recreation, beyond the exercise. We want to feel connected to the world around us.”Of her formative years, Sasha explains, “People think they know what “The East” is like.

Trust me, no matter what you think, it is very different.
But different is good , so stop wondering what it’s like and find out … what a gorgeous Eastern European Escort can and will do to Rock your American Mind !
Here’s my number !
Sasha : 303-623-6969 💋


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