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Does Sleeping With a Denver Escort make you Happier and Healthier ?

Denver Escort x 10 = A Long and Happy Life !
They call it “notch count.” It calls up images of gunfighters, who would carve a notch in the handle of their guns for every person they bested .
If you’re keeping notches on your bedpost to mark your conquests, does more notches you have, mean that your sex life will be better ?
The answer is … Hell Yes !
We heard from one reader who had a lot to say on the subject.  Remember that old joke?  “I’m tired of double standards.  A woman who sleeps with hundreds of men is a slut.  But if a man does it… he’s a stud.”
A study in Canada found not long ago that a man who has had sex with 20 or more women has almost a 30 percent lower risk of getting prostate cancer than a man who has had sex with just one woman (say, a man who got married to his childhood sweetheart and never had sex with anyone else).  Other studies have found a link between more frequent ejaculation and a reduced risk of prostate cancer, it’s probably true that the more women you’ve had sex with, the more regularly you get off, and again the more often you ejaculate.  Hence the lower risk.  Promiscuity itself is probably not a cure against anything and, in fact, increases your risk of getting an STD.  And sex with twenty or more men is actually more risky for a man if he is gay.  Gay men who had sex with 20 or more partners actually had a huge increase in risk for prostate cancer, according to the study.  Nobody’s really sure why.
In reality , sleeping with lots of women does not come without questions.
How we answer them or whether or not we feel like we even have to answer them is up to no one … but us !
So , when your signifant other asks that inevitable question .
How many women have you slept with ?
Know this ! When you do business with an Upscale Escort Service like and that has a proven track record of being discreet , your Secrets are Safe !
Escorts can change the definition of “sex” so that they come out looking better off than they really are in terms of how many people they have slept with.
Undoubtedly , sex has a direct and proportionate affect on our health and happiness , so having a Discreet and Reliable Escort Service like can be invaluable !
As adults we live and breathe in a free society, therefore , we should be able to enjoy the fruits of an escort and live a life of sexual freedom and liberation !
We all are just looking for what will make us happy, and spending lots of time with a Beautiful and Sexy Denver Escort is Guaranteed to … Make you Happy !
Time to start making yourself … HAPPY !
Call , and let the Good Times Roll !

303 -623-6969 !!! 💋



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